As I sit in traffic on my way to the office, I’m doing something I never imagined — working with ChatGPT to create a memoir for you! Life moves quickly, and eventually I won’t be around to share all these stories and lessons in person. There’s so much I want to share with you about life, love, work, and the world. However, the truth is, it’ll take time for you to grow up and fully understand some of these concepts. I want to make sure that, no matter where life takes us, you’ll always have a little something from me to guide you along the way.
Who knows how far AI will advance by the time you’re older? Maybe these letters will help create a virtual version of me, someone you can talk to or even just hear my voice when you need a bit of advice or reassurance. It’s an odd thought, but also a comforting one — that in some way, I can always be there for you, even when I’m not.
When your mom and I first met, and still to this day, she’ll randomly say: “Tell me a story!”. Thankfully, somehow, my stories still continue to entertain her and I hope they will do the same for you.

We’ve spoken about how much something like this from her father would’ve meant to her, especially after she lost him at a young age. She told me how meaningful it would’ve been to have his unfiltered thoughts, stories, and advice or even just his presence in some small way. It’s that idea that really inspired me to start writing these letters for you — to make sure that no matter what happens, you’ll always have a part of me to look back on.
So, here’s to the start of this journey, one letter at a time! My hope is that these words will give you the strength, guidance, and love that every father hopes to pass on to his children — whether you’re reading this as a teenager or many years down the road.
Love always,